Telmatochromis temporalis shell  입니다.

국내 축양종이며 사이즈는 3~4센티 내외급입니다.
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- 성어는 수컷 사이즈는 6센티급이며, 암컷은 4센티급
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- 치어들을 잘 돌보며 소위 '세대번식'을 함. 번식 난이도는 중 이하

Scientific Name: Telmatochromis sp. "Temporalis Shell"
Pronunciation: tl-mt--kr-ms tm-p-rl-
Habitat: Sediment-Free Rocky Habitat
Diet: Carnivore
Gender Differences: Monomorphic
Breeding: Shell Spawner
Temperament: Aggressive
Conspecific Temperament: Aggressive
Maximum Size: 4"
Temperature: 77 - 79°F
pH: 8.6
Water Hardness: Very Hard
Difficulty: 2


This fish dines on organisms found in the aufwuchs, picking out insect larvae, tiny worms and crustaceans. It is possible that sp. "Temporalis Shell" is a synonym with T. burgeoni. This is a very plucky shell dweller, that is more then capable of handling itself with robust cichlids, such as Neo. leleupi and brichardi, whom you wouldn't normally keep with Shell dwellers.