컴프리 무지 골드헤드 7~9센티급 성어입니다.

무지의 경우에는 키우시는 분들의 환경이나 사료들에 따라서 성어로 성장했을 때의 모습이 많이 달라지는 종입니다. 애정을 가지시고, 정성스럽게 사육하시면 좋은 성어로 성장할 것입니다.^^암수구별 해드립니다.

Scientific Name: Altolamprologus compressiceps (Gold Head)
Pronunciation: l-t-lm-pr-l-gs km-prs--sps
Habitat: Shallow Precipitous Rocky Habitat
Diet: Carnivore
Gender Differences: Monomorphic
Breeding: Substrate Spawner
Temperament: Mildly Aggressive
Conspecific Temperament: Mildly Aggressive
Maximum Size: 6"
Temperature: 77 - 79°F
pH: 8.6 ?9.1
Water Hardness: Very Hard
Difficulty: 2


A. compressiceps dines primarily on insect larvae, small crustaceans , but also on small fry that they suck out of the crevices in the rocks. They are laterally compressed, the specialization that allows them access to these foods where other cichlids cannot. They thrive on mysis shrimp, krill, salad shrimp, flakes, pellet and brine shrimp in the aquarium. Despite their large mouth size, they should not be a threat to other adult fish in the aquarium, including adult shelldwellers