Amazonas, 200 x 60 cm

The Amazon drainage in northern South America contains a wide range of aquarium fishes. From territorial cichlids and greedy catfishes to tiny tetras that live in schools. There are many different kinds of biotopes present in the Amazon, and quite often driftwood or tree roots form an integral part of these fishes’ natural environment.

Amazonas 200 x 60 cm Front

Amazonas 200 x 60 cm

Amazonas 200 x 60 cm LeftAmazonas 200 x 60 cm FrontAmazonas 200 x 60 cm Right

Amazonas 200 x 60 cm was the first background to be introduced at the Interzoo fair in Nuremberg in 1994, and attracted an enormous amount of attention at the time. To this day, this is the background that still draws people more than any other. It is a real bestseller, in spite of the fact that this background requires more space than the others.

This background should be installed in aquariums with a minimum depth of 60 cm.